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Amnesty International campaign to decriminalise pimps and sex buyers

Amnesty International began as an organization aligned with vulnerable people who had few rights. Those in prostitution often describe it as paid rape – a last ditch survival effort in the context of homelessness, poverty, societal neglect, racism and sexism. Amnesty fails to understand that for 80% of those in it, prostitution is NOT a choice or a job like any other, rather, it is abuse, exploitation, often tantamount to torture. Yet Amnesty is supporting the rights of men to access unwanted sex acts from vulnerable human beings.

Amnesty’s process has been undemocratic and corrupt. They secretly consulted with sex industry advocates including a well known pimp, to produce its policy. Amnesty failed to hold open meetings with all chapters to discuss alternatives; decriminalization was a done deal before the consultation even began. Amnesty has included flawed and biased research in its internal proposals to decriminalize the sex industry. While Amnesty pretends to be motivated by concern for people who are prostituted, it failed to mention the Nordic model, which decriminalizes those in prostitution, offering them exit services, while criminalizing those who exploit them and profit sexually and financially from their exploitation: pimps, traffickers, and sex buyers.

Sex work groups attempt to silence exited survivors.

Petition by survivors of prostitution to reject decriminalization of prostitution proposed by Amnesty.

“What you call pimps, we call managers,” Julie Bindel exposes the pimp who consulted with Amnesty International regarding their policy to decriminalize prostitution.

Objection of Swedish Amnesty International group to Amnesty’s proposed policy.

Amnesty International draft policy on decriminalized prostitution July 2015.

Only 40% of Amnesty’s country sections participated in the consultation process for the decriminalized prostitution proposal.

Amnesty International’s corporate structure goes off the rails.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women protest letter.

Has Amnesty International been hijacked by proponents of the global sex trade?

Fact Sheet on Effect of Decriminalized Prostitution, Demand Abolition.

Bad for the Body, Bad for the Heart, Prostitution Harms Women Even if Decriminalized

Please tell Amnesty International that if they promote decriminalization of pimps and sex buyers, they will be abdicating the human rights of poor and ethnically marginalized people, especially women. Let AI know that you will not support them politically or financially if they promote such a vicious policy.

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