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Racism, Colonialism

Why Does The Porn Industry Get Away With Racist Portrayals Of Black People?

Racism in Pornography: Why I care and you should too. As a Psychology Professor, who has been investigating domestic violence and sexual assault for more than two decades, I never aspired to be a pornography researcher and I never expected to produce something like my documentary, “Let Me Tell Ya’ll ‘Bout Black Chicks: Images of Black Women in Pornography.” 

R. Kelly’s Arrest Barely Scratches Surface of a Much-needed #MeToo Reckoning for Black Girls

Analysis: What would it take for America to confront its ugliest and most complicated attitudes toward race, gender and sex?

For Kenyette Barnes, last week was, in a word, strange. After years of rumors and allegations, police in Chicago arrested the singer and producer R. Kelly on charges that he sexually abused four women, three of whom were teenagers at the time.

The Prostitution and Trafficking of American Indian/Alaska Native Women in Minnesota

Abstract We examined social and physical violence experienced by American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women in prostitution and their impacts on the mental and physical health…

Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota

Three-year research study about the prostitution and trafficking of 105 Native Women in Minnesota. Native women are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation because of a…