Basic Information | Prostitution | Trafficking | Pornography | Racism, Colonialism | Sex Buyers (“the demand”) | Pimps/Traffickers | Online Prostitution & Trafficking | False Distinction Between Prostitution & Trafficking | Health Impacts: Mental & Physical | Law and Policy | Pop Culture & Media Sexism | Children & Prostitution | Sex Self-Identity | Survivors’ View Blog | Traffic Jamming Blog

What People Say About Us

Prostitution Research & Education is a 20-year-old abolitionist organization offering original research, education and consultation about one of the compelling human rights issues of our time. Through the years, PRE’s work has been used by survivors, advocates, policymakers, researchers, and activists to develop programs, write grants, advocate on behalf of those in prostitution and trafficking, develop policy, and for training. PRE recently conducted an informal survey of organizations and individuals in the field comprised of advocates, government officials, law enforcement, academics, media, and other activists to record the impact of its work.

People Use Our Work for:

  • Advocacy 74%
  • Teaching 74%
  • Policy Development 48%
  • Program Development 34%
  • Fundraising 14%

PRE is…

PRE is absolutely central. Reliable research, trustable facts. Honest politics.

Robin Morgan
Author and Activist

PRE is essential to help “paint a picture” of why the issue of exploitation is socomplex.

Rosario Dowling
Regional Director-Northern California, California Against Slavery

PRE is a leader in the field and has a voice that needs to be amplified and multiplied. PRE should develop into a national think tank.

Taina Bien-Aime, J.D.
Consultant, Former Executive Director of Equality Now

PRE is doing a fabulous job providing evidence that prostitution IS violence, IS oppression, IS incredibly harmful, and that the consumers/buyers/pimps/johns/etc are creating an incredible amount of harm.

Kristen Houser, MPA
Vice President, Communications & Development, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape

PRE’s prioritization of the most marginalized of women–indigenous and survivors–is very similar to Coalition Against Trafficking in Women/Asia Pacific’s priorities.

Jean Enriquez
Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women –Asia Pacific

PRE is a trusted and respected source of information and data useful for informing tribal officialsabout prostitution.

Rudolph C. Rÿser
Chair of the Board of Directors & Executive Director, Center for World Indigenous Studies

PRE’s role in the movement is essential. What gets measured gets done. We are able to have real discussions about prostitution and trafficking because there exists a serious research arm to this work.

Sonia Ossorio
President, National Organization of Women, New York

PRE is an international leader in creating victim-centered advocacy and support for women and children bought and exploited for the sexual use of others.

Margaret Baldwin, J.D.
Executive Director, Refuge House, Tallahassee

PRE is a leader in the movement to end trafficking and prostitution.From their incredible research to innovative direct actions, PRE constantly creates best practices for how the movement can continue to fight to end sexual exploitation and harm.

Rachel Durchslag
Executive Director, Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

There are so many horrible misconceptions about prostitution.Education is the key and PRE is very important.The website plays a key role in lighting the darkness that surrounds this issue.

Roger Truman Young
Special Agent, FBI, retired; Part-Time Professor at University of Nevada, Reno; Officer of the Nevada Coalition Against Human Trafficking; Private Investigator, Consultant, Instructor

PRE is one of the primary organizations that understands and knows this field. Melissa Farley is one of the only people in this field to really go in depth, to go deep, in detail and who really knows about prostitution.

Vednita Carter
Founder and Executive Director, Breaking Free

PRE fills a critical gap in research in showing the connection between prostitution and sex slavery.

John Miller
Former Ambassador at Large on Modern Day Slavery 2004-2006, Visiting Scholar at Institute for Government Studies, UC Berkele

I used PRE’s work…

to inform our thinking as we develop the documentary film, “Refuge: Caring for Survivors of Torture.”

Ben Achtenberg, Project Director, The Refuge Media Project

for presentations ….and for legislative recommendations.

Rachel Durchslag, Executive Director, Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

for a task force on police responses to prostitution and to educate interns.

Vanessa Kelly, PsyD, Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine

for teaching a class on the Psychology of Trauma.

Eileen Zurbriggen, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruzto

to promote United States 20th century leadership of the abolitionist movement around the world. And to explain the harms of sex slavery in different countries I visited when I was Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the United States Department of State (2002-2004).

John Miller, Former Ambassador at Large on Modern Day Slavery (2004-2006),Visiting Scholar at Institute for Government Studies, UC Berkeley

to write stories on prostitution, trafficking and related stories for Newsweek and Daily Beast.

Leslie Bennetts, Special Correspondent

to advocate with the City of Seattle for changes to an intervention for sex buyers.

Peter Qualliotine, Director, Men’s Accountability Program, Organization for Prostitution Survivors

for up to date information about the links between prostitution, trafficking and inequality.

Janine Benedet, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Feminist Legal Studies, University of British Columbia

to show how prostitution affects native peoples in our public presentations.

Rudolph C. Rÿser, Chair of the Board of Directors & Executive Director, Center for World Indigenous Studies

for speaking out as a survivor. PRE’s research confirmed what I knew–women in prostitution suffer from the same symptoms of trauma as victims of state-sponsored torture. It became so much easier to speak out because I could refer to this study. PRE’s work put a floor beneath beneath me –they gave me a place to stand.

Stella Marr, Activist, Survivor of prostitution

for educating community and faith based leaders on myths about legalizing prostitution and for lectures in Women’s Studies, Human Trafficking, and Family Violence.

Sandra Morgan, Director, Global Center for Women & Justice, Vanguard University of Southern California

for my writing as a book author and in workshops for professionals.

John Briere, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California and Director, Psychological Trauma Program, Los Angeles County –USC Medical Center

to inform philanthropists about the realities of prostitution, pornography and trafficking.

Twiss Butler, Board Member, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, National Organization for Women

for statewide training for California law enforcement and first responders.

Lt. Derek Marsh, Management Services, Westminster Police Department for education throughout the state of Nevada.Terri Miller, Program Director, Frederick Douglass Family Foundation

to educate and lobby for passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act in New York and for meetings with reporters.

Sonia Ossorio, President, National Organization of Women, New York

for drafting legislation and explaining why changes are necessary with the Dept of Justice,Congress and Trafficking in Persons office.

Shelby Quast, Senior Policy Advisor, Equality Now, Washington, D.C.

for training leaders of rape crisis programs and for developing a position paper on prostitution and trafficking that will shape policy and services for victims in Florida and to guide our program services at Refuge House where we serve 3,000 victims of abuse every year.

Margaret Baldwin, J.D., Executive Director, Refuge House, Tallahassee

as part of an international debate on prostitution.

Jean Enriquez, Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women –Asia Pacific

to educate lobbyists, to introduce legislation,to provide evidence to our members that prostitution is sexual violence.

Kristen Houser, Vice President, Communications & Development, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape