Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology Professors
Comment about this article by Jonah Mix“As academics and activists whose work involves some very controversial issues, we’re all personally aware of the pressure to…
Trans Advocacy and Sexwork Advocacy: Political Movements Rooted in Sexual Objectification
In 2002, I consulted with Andrea Dworkin as I struggled to understand data from a nine-country study of prostitution.1 The prostituted men who identified as…
An artificial language designed to present men and women as a homogenous group is particularly harmful to prostitution survivors
This language does not allow a discourse on the differences between the sexes in the context of the sex industry. We freely discuss that most…
Woman as Resource: A Reply to Catharine MacKinnon
Jane Clare Jones argues, contra MacKinnon, that decoupling sex and gender deprives feminist analysis of its explanatory power.
From Feminism to Transgenderism: Catharine MacKinnon and her Political Transition
As a Marxist, I was influenced by radical feminism when, as a graduate student, I read Catharine MacKinnon’s book Feminism Unmodified. That was 30 years…
Current Concerns About Gender‑Affirming Therapy in Adolescents
A systematic review of evidence conducted by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, and England concluded that the risk/benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges…
It is by women and by land, that the people are given life
“He wāhine, he whenua ka ora te tangata” It is by women and by land, that the people are given life In te ao Māori…
The Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights
The Women’s Human Rights Campaign has built a global network with the “aim to represent the total breadth of the human female experience across races…