Why grooming is so hard to spot: The truth
Disclaimer: I give permission for this article to be used in training courses and education, as long as my name is clearly referenced as the…
#MeToo: what prostitution survivors say about the links between prostitution and sexual harassment and rape
The #MeToo groundswell of women’s voices challenging everyday sexual predation by men like Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen and some of our…
Prostitution Robots or Sex Dolls?
A sex buyer in a research study explained that the woman in prostitution is “just a biological object…that charges for services” Sex buyers define women as…
Melissa Farley’s response to UN Women
Response to “Consultation seeking views on UN Women’s approach to sex work, the sex trade and prostitution”. Prostitution Research & Education’s goal has been to…
Decriminalizing Prostitution In South Africa: A Recipe to Extinguish the Legacy of Sara Baartman
Proposal for an equality prostitution law in South Africa
Sonia Ossorio, National Organization for Women -New York, Letter to NY Times
Sonia Ossorio National Organization for Women-New York Letter to NY Times
Is the New York Times Endorsing Legalization of Prostitution?
Is the New York Times Endorsing Legalization of Prostitution
It Doesn’t Take a Third Party
In no form of gender-based violence other than prostitution do we weigh the veracity of the victimization of a person on whether or not there…
Letter to sex buyers from a Danish survivor of prostitution
Letter to sex buyers from a Danish survivor of prostitution
Sex trade survivors report that decriminalization across-the-board gives pimps more power.
Liberals must face the reality of what prostitution does to women
Of Course I Have a Fucking “Moral Problem” With Prostitution
Last week, the New York Times ran Emily Bazelon’s piece, _Should Prostitution be a Crime__
Prostitution Tells Women What They Can and Can’t Do With Their Own Bodies
Prostitution, as a practice, just is men telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. It’s men telling women how to use their bodies, how to move their bodies, how to dress their bodies. What men tell women do with their bodies is the primal guide for how prostitution functions; if we stopped, prostitution couldn’t function. Like all markets, supply responds to demand and the customer is always right. The problem is that the customer wants a fuckable object, not a human being.
The death of Daria Pionko shows there is no “safe” way to manage prostitution
Daria Pionko was supposed to be safe. Or safer, anyway. That, at least, was part of the thinking behind the “managed prostitution area” established in…
Survivors say the Nordic model is our only hope
People were turned away from a packed, standing-room only panel, addressing the impacts of various prostitution legislation around the world, on Monday afternoon. Organized by…
Amnesty International campaign to decriminalise pimps and sex buyers
Amnesty International began as an organization aligned with vulnerable people who had few rights. Those in prostitution often describe it as paid rape – a…
Hundreds of women’s groups and advocates protest Amnesty International’s proposed prostitution policy.
Over 400 women’s groups & advocates sign letter protesting Amnesty International’s position on prostitution.
Demand Abolition: A Brief Review of the Evidence on the Consequences of Legalizing or Decriminalizing Prostitution
Fact Sheet on Decriminalization Demand Abolition