Superbowl Anti-Trafficking Campaign
Jan 25, 2011 Dear Super Bowl Host Committee & National Football League, My name is A.H. and I’m a survivor of sex trafficking. I’m not…
Women for Sale Campaign in Israel
An innovative and powerful campaign to support legislation that would criminalize buying sex in Israel.
No Amnesty for Women
In August 2015, Amnesty International voted to support pimps and sex buyers rather than people in prostitution – 90% of whom are not “voluntary sex…
Video: Men Can Act to End Men’s Violence Against Women
(Prostitution is One Form of Violence Against Women) Feminist activist Jackson Katz here focuses on men’s role in ending violence against women. Katz emphasizes the…
Video: Online Attacks Against Opposition to Sexism and Sexual Exploitation
This 10-minute video describes Anita Sarkeesian’s experience with cybermobbing – a massive online hate campaign. She was targeted by large numbers of anonymous online attackers…
City Targets Sex Buyers with Letter Writing Campaign
Part of a comprehensive approach to end human trafficking and prostitution is through the provision of services to women and children being exploited by the…
Abolishing Prostitution: A Feminist Human Rights Treaty
Author of Female Sexual Slavery Kathleen Barry, proposes a feminist human rights treaty to abolish prostitution. The author, long active in global human rights, argues…
Protest with CATW and PRE, New York
These prostitution ads in Houston and Las Vegas were located on June 15, 2012. Although they appear to be written by the women, most…
Campaign to Raise Awareness of Prostitution’s Harms
Copyright © 2012 Ruhama. All rights reserved. Ruhama, a Dublin-based NGO, is running a radio and poster campaign to raise awareness about the harms to…
Hotels Fight Sex Trade
About this article: Some years ago, End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT), an international and domestic NGO that opposes the trafficking of children for commercial…
Protest Against Village Voice Media in New York, November 16, 2011
The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) in partnership with Prostitution Research and Education (PRE) held a successful protest in front of the Village Voice…
Boycott of “Pimp ‘n ‘Ho Rave” in Vancouver
Raves which trivialize prostitution as “pimp ‘n ‘ho night – sexual attire desired” – are teaching men to sell, abuse and rape women (which is…
Demand Change Project of Breaking Free, St. Paul Minnesota, May 13, 2011
Breaking Free, a leading anti-human trafficking advocacy organization and Men Against Trafficking of Others hosted the Demand Change Project in St Paul Minnesota on May…
Statement of Asia-Pacific Meeting of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Survivors
In this meeting, we have shared stories of resistance, survival, healing, recovery, accessing education, self-organizing and mobilization. Collectively, we agree to reject the legalization of…
Turn off the Red Light Campaign in Ireland
MIND MOVES: Changing attitudes can help to end the abuse PROSTITUTION is not an easy subject to talk about. It stirs up a range of…
Best Practices for Online Classified Advertising without Sexual Exploitation
On the heels of the closure of Craigslist’s online trafficking – er, “adult services” – section of its classified ads, Fair Fund has released a…
Sexpo and the Death of Sex
Billed as the world’s biggest health, sexuality and lifestyle exhibition, Sexpo came to Sydney’s Hordern Pavilion last weekend. According to its website, “This show will…