Rape dolls replace and objectify real women
Lars and the Real Girl normalizes artificial females.
Lars and the Real Girl normalizes artificial females.
Draft Overturning Roe v. Wade Quotes Infamous Witch Trial Judge With Long-Discredited Ideas on Rape—Justice Alito’s leaked opinion cites Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century jurist…
Abstract Throughout the 1990s, tens of thousands of Ukrainian women were trafficked into prostitution. This phenomenon was researched by collecting data through inter- views and…
It is important to talk about how trauma can manifest in different ways, and there is no shame, blame or guilt for being triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are feeling this way, know that you are not alone.
Elizabeth Warren ‘open’ to decriminalizing prostitution, victimizing exploited women again
Embracing ‘sex workers’ seems like a progressive policy. In reality, it treats pimps and exploiters like managers and will worsen sexual exploitation.
Janice G. Raymond
Opinion contributor
USA Today
Oct. 23, 2019
Remember the meme that said, “Camping: when rich people spend a fortune to live outdoors like poor people”? That could similarly be extended to pole “sport,” where wealthy women pay to re-enact women’s sexual servitude.
A New Zealand survivor urges Washington DC Council not to decriminalize the sex trade through passage of the Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019.
Yasmin Vafa,
July 16th , 2019
Washingtonian, Washington DC
Survivors Say No Full Decriminalization of Prostitution:
An open letter from Survivors of Prostitution and Trafficking
An attempt to repeal the Greens’ support for the Nordic Model and replace it with language decriminalizing pimps and sex buyers failed on July 1,…
The #MeToo groundswell of women’s voices challenging everyday sexual predation by men like Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen and some of our…
A sex buyer in a research study explained that the woman in prostitution is “just a biological object…that charges for services” Sex buyers define women as…
Response to “Consultation seeking views on UN Women’s approach to sex work, the sex trade and prostitution”. Prostitution Research & Education’s goal has been to…
Emily Ratajkowski & Naomi Wolf team up to sell Playboy Feminism
Proposal for an equality prostitution law in South Africa
Cilem Dogan resists abuse, kills husband (June 23, 2016)
Sonia Ossorio National Organization for Women-New York Letter to NY Times