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Welcome Traffick Jammers

Hello PRE website viewers and fellow traffick-jammers. Welcome to the Traffick Jamming blog. We’ll post up-to-the minute info on antitrafficking events, political actions, and of course your comments and observations about how prostitution/trafficking happens in the world, and your views about how to abolish these institutions that so profoundly harm women and girls. Welcome! Melissa Farley


  1. Why isn’t the web filled with outrage at the Academy Awards giving Best Song to “It’s Hard Out There For A Pimp”?
    Glorifying sexual slavery and subjugation of women is now so acceptible it merits an Oscar?
    Why am I roaming the internet to find others who are disgusted and enraged by this and finding nothing????

  2. I need some help. We are planning to dance to a song by Sri Lankan rapper M.I.A. called 10$ – about prostitution being the only way young women look for a way out of poverty. We are looking for images and information regarding prostitution around the world for a presentation during the performance. Moving images that will clearly send a message without being too offensive to the viewer. Please let me know if you have any suggestions of information that could be found on this.

  3. Hi
    Absolutely great Blog.
    How i wish we could hear some good news about smashing the prostitution trade. We just got to keep on activating
    cheers mags

  4. Greatpage. I wish I knew how to go about stopping this. So many people either seem to support or accept it or just don’t care. If there is one woman they think “chose’ this, they think all of it is Ok.I just want to take every opportunity to speak out against it. Only when we build a bigger consensus that this is a problem can we begin to do the big picture things to put an end to it. Of course, as we have opportunity we can also intervene on an individual level.
    Keep me posted.

  5. Dear Lane,
    I am so sorry – you wrote Traffick Jamming on April 10 2006 and now it is 2007. Oops! But I do have an idea for a great short that is available at It’s a song by Manu Chao “Me Llaman Calle” which was the title song for a movie “Princesas” about Madrid prostitution. Let me know if you want the words in Spanish or English or both. It is great music, has powerful images about rape in prostitution, pornography used to traffick women in prostitution, and it’s about 4 minutes long. IMHO it is danceable too 🙂 Let me know what you think of it.
    Melissa Farley

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