These prostitution ads in Houston and Las Vegas were located on June 15, 2012. Although they appear to be written by the women, most often they are written and posted by pimps or traffickers. These advertisements facilitate the trafficking of women into massage brothels, strip clubs prostitution, and escort prostitution. Most women want to get out of prostitution. As one woman mentions here, “I just need help with my bills.”
Village Voice Media, the owner of, mainstreams online pimping – providing a vehicle for sex traffickers to reach buyers of human beings for prostituted sex. By providing traffickers and johns with a virtual red light district, VVM is aiding, abetting and enormously profiting from sex trafficking.
On June 20, 2012 from 5 to 7 pm the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) and Prostitution Research & Education (PRE) and more than 100 national and international co-sponsors protested Village Voice Media Holdings, LLC (VVM) in front of its New York City office (36 Cooper Square), for its facilitation of sex trafficking through its website
Leading-Human-Rights-Groups-CATW-and-PRE-to-Protest-Village-Voice-Media-in-NYC-6-20-12Download document (2 pages)