Basic Information | Prostitution | Trafficking | Pornography | Racism, Colonialism | Sex Buyers (“the demand”) | Pimps/Traffickers | Online Prostitution & Trafficking | False Distinction Between Prostitution & Trafficking | Health Impacts: Mental & Physical | Law and Policy | Pop Culture & Media Sexism | Children & Prostitution | Sex Self-Identity | Survivors’ View Blog | Traffic Jamming Blog

Prostitution: Exploitation, Persecution, Repression

This 4th Global Report on sexual exploitation reflects the Fondation Scelles’ persistent objectives: for 20 years the foundation has conducted an in-depth and objective study on the current phenomenons relevant to worldwide prostitution. This year, vulnerabilities have been pointed out and specifically studied because they fuel modern sexual exploitation all over the planet.

Throughout this report, you will find the connection between exploitation and globalization as well as impoverishment and marginalization.


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