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For: porn


Basic Information Prostitution Trafficking Pornography Racism, Colonialism Sex Buyers (“the demand”) Pimps/Traffickers Online Prostitution & Trafficking False Distinction Between Prostitution & Trafficking Health Impacts: Mental…

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Prostitution Research & Education is a 20-year-old abolitionist organization offering original research, education and consultation about one of the compelling human rights issues of our…

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Shut Down Pornhub and Hold Its Executives Accountable for Aiding Trafficking PRE supports Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter. This organization offers support to women…

Books We Recommend

Pornography: The Politics of Legal Challenges Max Waltman, 2021Oxford University Press View book at Oxford University Press Spinning and Weaving: Radical Feminism for the 21st…

R. Kelly’s Arrest Barely Scratches Surface of a Much-needed #MeToo Reckoning for Black Girls

Analysis: What would it take for America to confront its ugliest and most complicated attitudes toward race, gender and sex?

For Kenyette Barnes, last week was, in a word, strange. After years of rumors and allegations, police in Chicago arrested the singer and producer R. Kelly on charges that he sexually abused four women, three of whom were teenagers at the time.